Lead Water Testing


As of March 1, 2024, landlords must ensure that the water supply in their private rented properties is free from lead, introducing additional testing requirements for some.



New Requirement for Lead Water Testing in Private Rented Properties – October 2023

Amendments to the Repairing Standard legislation in Scotland have introduced a new requirement for lead water testing in private rented properties.

Changes to the Repairing Standard
As of March 1, 2024, landlords must ensure that the water supply in their private rented properties is free from lead, introducing additional testing requirements for some.

Lead Water Testing Requirements for Private Rented Properties
The Scottish Association of Landlords has issued the following guidance for landlords:

1. Properties Built Before 1970: Scottish Water advises that properties built before 1970 may have lead pipework. If a landlord is unsure whether there are lead pipes or suspects there may be, tenants must be informed, and water samples should be taken for laboratory analysis. This is the only way to confirm if the water is lead-free.

2. Testing at Water Outlets: Scottish Government guidelines recommend testing water at all outlets where water may be consumed, from the boundary stopcock to the kitchen tap. In most properties, only the kitchen tap would require testing, unless other outlets (e.g., baths, basins, utility rooms) are located between the boundary stopcock and the kitchen tap.

3. Lead Content Above 10 Micrograms/Litre: If the test reveals a lead content of 10 micrograms per litre or more, this indicates the presence of lead in the plumbing. In such cases, tenants must be informed immediately. Short-term advice for tenants may include avoiding water that has been standing in pipes for long periods (e.g., overnight or when the property has been unoccupied for hours) and running the water for a few minutes before using it for drinking or cooking.

4. Scottish Water’s Responsibility: For properties connected to the public water supply, Scottish Water will investigate and replace any lead sections in their part of the service pipe (from the water main to the boundary stop valve) free of charge.

5. Landlord’s Responsibility: Landlords are responsible for identifying and removing any lead pipes within the property that are not Scottish Water’s responsibility. After any lead pipes are replaced, the water should be re-tested to ensure the lead content is below 10 micrograms per litre.


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