Edinburgh HMO noise exemption rules and forms

Edinburgh HMO noise exemption rules and forms

How to waive carpeting requirements

The Edinburgh Council has recently upgraded their website and, unfortunately, the section with template HMO noise exemption forms is no longer active; the previous hyperlinks no longer work. As per our conversation with the Licencing Team in early January 2020 – the old forms available in 2019 are still acceptable. To help our Edinburgh HMO landlords, we decided to temporarily upload the forms to our website. Please see the link. When the Edinburgh Council updates their website, we will remove the forms from this page. Please bear in mind that the forms have not been produced by us and the Edinburgh Council may change them at any times, so we advise to contact the Licencing Team directly on 01315294208 shortly before lodging the HMO application to make sure that 2019 noise exemptions forms are still acceptable.

When do you need noise exemption forms?

One of the requirements for bedrooms, hallways and living rooms is: Carpet through unless over non residential property. Kitchens, bathrooms and WCs are checked for: Cushioned vinyl unless over non residential property. To waive the requirements, HMO applicants should provide a signed Impact Noise Neighbour Declaration form. It should be signed by the resident/residents (so tenants, if tenanted) of the flat below. The documents says that the residents downstairs are satisfied with the noise insulation of the flat above and do not require further carpeting / installing cushioned vinyls.

Template forms for waiving the carpeting requirement

We have provided below a zipped folder with 3 files:

Impact Noise Neighbour Declaration sample, as described above. 

How to apply for an exemption: Impact Noise – HMO carpeting requirements & exemptions, general guide.

Sample Landlord Impact Noise Letter to Neighbour – a template for explaining why you are asking for the signed declaration.