Change Letting Agents In Edinburgh: How To Make The Switch

Change Letting Agents in Edinburgh: How To Make The Switch

Are you a landlord who’s feeling underwhelmed by the service you’re receiving from your current letting agent? Is your letting agent’s service not quite living up to your expectations? It is time to change your letting agent! You might be surprised to learn that switching agents is easier than you think.

We all know landlords frequently stay with the same agent. Even though many landlords are unhappy with their service provider they don’t change it for years. Some issues like poor communication between letting agents and landlords, a huge gap in tenancies, and high maintenance charges are signs of changing or switching the letting agent.

As a landlord, you should know about the benefits you can get by changing or switching your letting agents. But landlords hesitate to change letting agents because they think it’s too much hassle and could cause problems for themselves or their tenants, which is incorrect.

You Can Switch Letting Agents At Any Time, Or Do You Have To Wait?

You should check the terms and conditions of the contract with your letting agent. It is common to have an initial tie-in period of six to twelve months, and the contract will tell you how much notice you need to give if you want to leave.

Do I Need To Wait Until My Tenant Leaves To Switch Letting Agents?

It’s also a misconception that you must wait until your current tenancy ends before switching agents. As the tenancy agreement is a contract between landlord and tenant, with the agent representing the landlord, changing agents have no effect on the legal rights or obligations of either party.

Moving with a tenant in place actually makes the process easier, since you don’t have to worry about letting the property – and your tenant will see the benefits too if your old agent wasn’t up to the job.

Will A New Letting Agent Manage All Areas Of The Switch?

Our goal at Edinburgh Letting Centre is to make the letting process as smooth as possible for you:

  • Check your contracts
  • Contact The Current Letting Agent To Request Information
  • Carry Out An Initial Inspection
  • Give official notice
  • Build a paperwork
  • Notify your tenant
  • Engage with a new agent
  • Collect your keys & reset the codes
  • Obtain final sign-off documents