Landlords’ initial costs calculator – Scotland
How much does it cost to put a rental property on the market in Scotland
Many potential landlords or prospective investors looking for a property in Edinburgh or Scotland in general have been asking us how much will they need to spend on certificates and upgrades to make their property lettings compliant. Over the years, Scottish government have been gradually introducing strict regulations to make rental properties safer for the tenants. Some landlords checks have been introduced as well (landlords in Scotland need to be fit and proper persons). Every case is different, but each and every Scottish property needs to comply with the same legislation. This is why we have prepared this application, covering regular (non-HMO) Scottish private rental properties. ELC Sales & Lettings (Edinburgh Letting Centre’s) online calculator will tell you, roughly, how much you will need to spend to put your property on the market in Scotland. Please remember – this is a rough estimate based on Edinburgh charges, different contractors may charge different rates for certificates and remedial works. They may be giving preferential rates to Edinburgh letting agents like us. Some contractors are VAT registered, some are not – but after using our online calculator you will at least know a ballpark figure. So, to get you started – please keep on answering our questions, select relevant options and in a minute or two you will know how much you will need to spend, on average, to put your property on the market.
Is your property in Scotland?
Do you have a valid EPC, Energy Performance Certificate?
EPC is valid for 10 years and forms part of a Home Report. It estimates an average energy cost of your property for 3 years and offers improvements.
Yes NoLandlord registration number
Do you have a landlord registration number?
Yes NoGas appliances
Do you have any gas appliances?
Yes NoDo you have a valid gas safety certificate?
Yes NoSmoke and heat alarms
Do you have smoke alarms in all bedrooms, hallway/hallways, living room, landing/landings and a heat alarm in the kitchen? The alarms should be either:
- Hard wired with a battery backup, or
- With a sealed long-life battery
Alarms should be interconnected – usually wirelessly. If you have all alarms, please select Yes.
Yes No
How many alarms will you need? You will need smoke or heat alarms in the following rooms:
- Kitchen/kitchens
- Hallway/hallways
- Landing/landings
- Bedroom/bedrooms
- Living room/living rooms
Do you have a current EICR (Electrical Condition Installation Report)? It is valid usually for 5 years.
Yes No
New property
Was your flat built less than 5 years ago?
Yes No
Portable appliances
Will you provide any portable electrical appliances, like: kettle; iron; freestanding washing machine; freestanding fridge? If you provide only hardwired or integrated appliances (i.e. a built-in fridge or an integrated oven), please select No.
Yes No
Portable Appliance Test
Do you have a current PAT, Portable Appliance Test?
Yes No
Legionella Risk Assessment
Do you have a current Legionella Risk Assessment (LRA)? It is valid for up to 2 years.
Yes No
Landlord insurance
Do you have landlord insurance? It should include at least building and public liability insurance.
Yes No
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